Thursday, July 28, 2005

...Some to Stay

I had a client visit me yesterday. As we spoke, the conversation turned to his living status. He is originally from Idaho, but moved to Las Vegas for what he thought would be a better job. Less than a year later, he's brought his wife and three children to Ogden. Why to Ogden? While in Vegas, he realized he didn't like the things his children were exposed to within the "Vegas environment". He said that he'd heard that Ogden was a good place to raise a family... and so far, he said, he hasn't been disappointed. He said he liked living in a "smaller" city (as opposed to the larger cities like Salt Lake, Portland, Seattle, etc), while still having Salt Lake City nearby.
Ogden is a good place to raise a family and the word is getting around. Let's keep it up!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

...And So They Came

I hope all of you had an opportunity to participate in some way in Ogden's Pioneer Days festivites during the past week. I took advantage of both the rodeo and the Pioneer Day Parade. I was not disappointed. The rodeo I took my family to was on Saturday. The grandstands were at near capacity and the overall feeling there was one of mutual friendship and enjoyment. All there seemed to enjoy themselves. I have a son who is one and a half. He would occasionally wriggle out of my arms and saunter over to those sitting near us. They smiled at him, and one gal even slid over so he could sit next to her for a minute. I was a bit disappointed that the rodeo wasn't a tad bit longer, but other than that, I thoroughly loved it.
On Monday, we set up blankets and a makeshift canopy and relaxed while watching the parade. This was also a treat. Those around us were gracious and kind, offering water for our dog (we'd brought some for her anyway) and tools and assistance to jury-rig my canopy which was falling apart even as I set it up.
I have never been to a parade where I was surrounded by more patriotic people. I usually only stand for the opening color guard- not out of disrespect, but just because I had been raised that it was only necessary to stand at the first. The folks around us felt differently. They reminded all within their party to show respect to all colorguards throughout the parade. They weren't rude to anyone who didn't, but most of us around the area did.
As for the Mayor and the council members... I expected to hear some boos and heckling- not a negative word was spoken. I liked this display of respect which showed that, even if people disagreed with his philosophies, they were still repsectful to him as a city leader and as a family man (as he had his family riding with him). Ditto with the city council.
What did I gain from the festivities this week? I live in Ogden, and this weekend, I was truly HOME.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Losing Heart

Well, they've done it again! WCForum posted yesterday that the Ogden City Council has again decided to stall the actual voting on the bond for another indefinite time frame.
Am I the only one who is beginning to get sick of this carousel ride?
Those who have seen my posts (the few posts I've actually done) know that I am in favor of this bond. Not because it is the smartest thing being done by the city council, but because I am ready to see SOMETHING happen within our city that has some potential to possibly bring people back here. I got interested in the bond when I realized that CBCOF was not telling everyone the whole truth when it came to the reasons for the petition.
Now, I fear the pendulum may be swinging the other way. If this was such a sure-fire deal, why the hold ups? I wonder if a fellow blogger might have hit the nail on the head when he compares Ogden to "The merry old land of Oz". Many have been in awe of the "abilities" of the "Great Oz" and all he would do for our city. It seems that the longer this drags on, the curtain might just be pulled away.
I hope it's not so. I believe in believing in those in power. As I mentioned in a previous post, even when I didn't agree with President Clinton's ideologies, I tried to believe he would do the best for our country (which, for the most part, he did).
Time's running out... but I wonder if the RDA deadline is the only one the city council has to worry about. The deadline to win Ogden's citizens is much, much sooner-- And far more important.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Why Blog?

I finally recieved a reply to my posts!! Anyone who can click a mouse can read it.. And anyone can see the kindness exuding throughout the message. Rudizink has a point... I could stand to post more- particularly if I'm going to be calling this blog "Ogden's Optimist". After reading the comment, I had to ask myself the question- "Why am I even doing this?" The answer is fairly evident. I am doing this for me!! So call me a selfish ignorant fool. That's okay by me. If I were truly concerned that people might not like what I write, I wouldn't blog.
This blog is not intended to shed "scientific" proof or any research as to why things should or should not happen in Ogden. There are other sites that do that to the extreme. That is why I created this blog. This is not a blog where I am going to explain tit for tat why anything should be done. There are those who have their opinions and no matter what proof is given them, they will remain pig-headed and stubborn. So why cast pearls before swine?
I blog, because it is refreshing. It is good to be able to write your feelings and put them up for public scrutiny. It's good to see the scrutiny, get a few chuckles, and move on.
I want this to be a ray of sunshine. So what if I sound too idyllic or "unrealistic". The problem is, too many want to wallow in the quagmires of "we've tried and failed" before the train's really left the station.
If you don't like the blog, I'm sorry. I just don't see the point in being down in the mouth just because change might hurt a bit. Regardless of what happens, I know that those who are positive as well as those who are more inclined to dwell on the negative are after the same thing-- a better place for us to raise our families. And at the end of the day, if that's what ultimately happens, none of us lose.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I've always been rather fascinated with wolves. They are an interesting animal. We frequently hear both positives and negatives. One thing I find very intriguing about these animals is the courage they have when in a pack. A lone wolf is fairly easy to scare off. Stories abound about watching a single wolf stare down a herd of buffalo, only to be fended off by the strongest bull of the herd... sometimes even the weaker bulls are able to stand up to a single wolf. The story changes dramatically whenever there is a pack of wolves. They surround the herd snarling, snapping, and growling. Then at the right moment, one wolf gets the attention of the defending adults. It backs away and the adults follow. Another few wolves dart in the gaps taking down a youngling or an aged buffalo. The melee begins as the rest of the pack pounces. There is little the buffalo herd can do by this time, so they leave the poor victim to its demise.
I am amazed at how we humans are much like wolves. Many are cowardly when trying to put a point across. We choose to remain in the wings until we can garner together a "pack". Then we feel that we have enough moxy to go out and hunt down the "weaker buffalo". By nature, we look for the areas of conflict. Not many will go after a seemingly peaceful issue on their own. For some reason, it must be an issue that is controversial, emotional, and confrontational. I notice the difference between two blogs about Ogden City. One blog is rife with "wolves"- people blasting the city for all its worth, trying to get in and attack things at their core. The other blog has very few comments. Why? I think that people recognize the intent of the latter blog- positive, yet not unrealistic. It is a strong blog filled with the facts. It looks at the brighter side. But what wolf wants to attack a strong, healthy buffalo?

Friday, July 01, 2005

Fleeting Optimism

They say it takes fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown. Ironically, it seems more people frown than smile. I wonder why that is. With that same rationale, I think it is in effect, easier to be optimistic than pessimistic, yet so many in today's world seem to want to dwell on the negative. I wonder why that is.
Study after study shows what a positive attitude can do for people- cure disease, increase life expectancy, improve health, and even get you a higher paying job. I really don't know... I try having a positive attitude and I still make under 30 grand. Yet, I still realize that a positive attitude does... something. I can't put my finger on it, but there is something more... vibrant in a life where you can see the poop in the middle of the road, but appreciate the flowers growing on the shoulder. I don't mean to sound "Pollyanna"-ish, but there is something to being able to take life at face value and then make something of it. Life is full of challenges, but I am certain that those who will come out on top are those who (excuse the cliche) have been given lemons and make lemonade... I wonder why that is.