Thursday, June 30, 2005

HOV- Highly Obscene Velocities

I took my family down to the south end of the Salt Lake Valley last night. We drove at the tail end of rush hour, so I figured it might be smart to drive in the carpool lane. This lane is officially known as the H.O.V. or High Occupancy Vehicle lane. It amazes me the obsession we as a society have with speed. The moment I entered the lane, I was tailgated repeatedly. For some reason, people think that the little diamond shapes on the road in that lane are an encouragement to max out the speedometer on your car-- with the encouragement of your 1 or more passenger required to drive in that lane. Of course the reason you need that passenger is so that you actually have witnesses that your car will still accelerate well after you've buried the needle.
I just don't get it. We are obsessed with hurrying through EVERYTHING. We hurry through meals, to work, at work, after work- we hurry through all of life. We just need to remember- we're on a one-way street.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Ogden's Council Vote- Throw Up a Prayer

Tonight marks a (possibly) historic evening for Ogden City. Our elected representatives have slated this evening's council meeting to vote on the bond for the "mall site". Those concerned about local goings on have already been primed. Many have had this date written on calendars, day planners, or palm pilots for weeks... well, at least since the council postponed the date two weeks ago.
Some look at this as being the end to the struggles that Ogden has been going through. Their philosophy is that finally the stall tactics from a certain citizens' group will be over. Others are likely afraid that this is just the beginning of what is to come. Personally, I think we're just right smack in the middle. This is the crossing of a speed bump. The problem- we should be on the freeway. I admire that there are some willing to be vocal enough to share concerns about the goings on at the mall site. I am disappointed, however, that they continually nip at the heels of the city council with seemingly nothing better to do.
Ogden's citizens are passionate about their city, but it's time to be passionately faithful in our city leaders. Nine years ago, our country re-elected a man I vehemently disagreed with. I felt his character was in question and didn't like some of the stances he took morally and politically. Still, he was MY president, and in the name of that office, I revered him as a leader. I looked to him to lead this country. I trusted that God would watch over this country and would keep it safe in spite of Bill Clinton's moral and political shortcomings. The same should hold true for the city. There are some who adamantly oppose what the city is on the cusp of doing. Fine, but there is a time to let go and turn your faith over to those who are trying to lead this city in the right direction. More importantly, turn your faith to Him who those who lead this city profess to believe in. If they are praying to Him for guidance, and we are praying that they will recieve the correct guidance, we can all win.
See you tonight at the City Prayer Service, er Council Meeting.