Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I've always been rather fascinated with wolves. They are an interesting animal. We frequently hear both positives and negatives. One thing I find very intriguing about these animals is the courage they have when in a pack. A lone wolf is fairly easy to scare off. Stories abound about watching a single wolf stare down a herd of buffalo, only to be fended off by the strongest bull of the herd... sometimes even the weaker bulls are able to stand up to a single wolf. The story changes dramatically whenever there is a pack of wolves. They surround the herd snarling, snapping, and growling. Then at the right moment, one wolf gets the attention of the defending adults. It backs away and the adults follow. Another few wolves dart in the gaps taking down a youngling or an aged buffalo. The melee begins as the rest of the pack pounces. There is little the buffalo herd can do by this time, so they leave the poor victim to its demise.
I am amazed at how we humans are much like wolves. Many are cowardly when trying to put a point across. We choose to remain in the wings until we can garner together a "pack". Then we feel that we have enough moxy to go out and hunt down the "weaker buffalo". By nature, we look for the areas of conflict. Not many will go after a seemingly peaceful issue on their own. For some reason, it must be an issue that is controversial, emotional, and confrontational. I notice the difference between two blogs about Ogden City. One blog is rife with "wolves"- people blasting the city for all its worth, trying to get in and attack things at their core. The other blog has very few comments. Why? I think that people recognize the intent of the latter blog- positive, yet not unrealistic. It is a strong blog filled with the facts. It looks at the brighter side. But what wolf wants to attack a strong, healthy buffalo?


Blogger RudiZink said...

I love wolves, Lancer.

I have a giant Alaskan Malamute with a grey wolf coat.

Sometimes she and I stay up late at night at my ranch in Eastern Weber County, when the moon is full, and sing dulcet duets, along with my canid and human companions, to these canid kereoke operatettas:

This one's very good, too!

7:02 PM  

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