Dear Former Mayor Goff,
I must admit that I was fairly surprised at the article you penned in today's edition in the Standard-Examiner. In it, you openly criticized Mayor Godfrey for his vision of the city of Ogden. You insisted that the recent elections were the will of the people. You complimented the mayor on his energy and vision, but then proceeded to strike at him for his actions to work at saving a downtown from a slow and ignominous death.
As a friend and acquaintance of yours, I can only express disappointment in this letter. I understand that you are entitled to your own opinion, and as one whom I respect and admire, I grant you that opinion. I would, however, like to take a few moments to pose a few questions to you. I would greatly like to ask you these queries face to face, and perhaps someday I may have that opportunity to do so. But until that time, this forum will have to suffice.
First, I would like to know the source of your information regarding much of what you said. One thing you mentioned (in regards to the proposed gondola to Malan's Basin) was that Chris Petersen (and perhaps his father-in-law) should fund most of that gondola himself. For at least a month now, that has been the discussed proposal from Mr. Petersen.
Second, I would like to know who it is that is encouraging you to publish such a letter to the Standard. It really doesn't make much of a difference, but you and I know that you are a very respected man within the community. I question the timing of such a letter and wonder why those (many of whom blast Mr. Godfrey and Mr. Reid for their positions within the LDS Church) would select a man who is the stake president of one of the largest LDS stakes in the cityto be a spokesman against the mayor. (Again, I personally respect you for your integrity and position within the LDS faith, but the irony of this situation is not lost on me).
Finally, with all due respect Mr. Goff, I ask- What major contribution did you make to the city of Ogden while mayor? I don't say this to criticize, but to point out the simple fact that Mayor Godfrey is attempting to leave a legacy for this city. A legacy that will last for years to come. One that will be known as a turning point for the city of Ogden.
Mr. Goff, I would hope that the letter you submitted was one of a man who has truly put forth the effort to study the issues and examine the facts rather than one of a man who is filling a favor owed to a friend.
Regardless of the future of this city, I sincerely hope that you will be one to whom Ogdenites may look for friendship and a sincere wish of goodwill.
Ogden's Optimist