Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Here's to the Losers

"Here's the last toast of the evening, here's to those who still believe
All the losers will be winners, all the givers shall receive
Here's to trouble-free tomorrows, may your sorrows all be small
Here's to the losers, Bless them all!"
-sung by Frank Sinatra

Well, the votes are in and the tallies have been taken. I'm sure that other pundits may give the winners their due, and in the coming month, we will have plenty of time to promote our favorite candidates. For the moment, though, I would like to concentrate on some of those who did not quite make the cut. Keep in mind, being a loser does have merits- the stress is over, no more pressure, no more fundraising. Even a local radio talk show glorifies losers of contests on their movie review show. With this in mind, I invite you to join me in toasting some of those who "also ran".

To Kori Munns: Congrats on being the most gracious of all the losers. Shortly after the final tallies were posted on the WCForum, Munns had already posted a comment congratulating the winners from the At-Large A seat and wishing them luck in the final elections- No mud-slinging, no stumping for one over the other, just an honest show of suppport for both.

To Mitch Moyes: For getting name recognition. In giving this toast, I am not debating whether or not the petition debaucle was an attempt to get that name recognition for this race, or if it was just a "perk" for that name recognition, but it worked. Many may say it was to your detriment, but your name got out there for taking a stand.
On a side note, don't just take your ball and go home. There are the seeds of some great ideas that you have pitched. Keep plugging them- just be sure to do it respectfully.

To Dave Berghout, James Carrell, Ron Hale, and Jeff LeFevre: You each get the "Red Lantern Award" for your respective races. It takes guts to run for public office and even more guts to receive the fewest votes.

To Steve Prisbrey: Running the tail end of your campaign in the wake of your uncle's passing couldn't have been easy. We feel for you and wish you the best in future endeavors.

To All Who Lost: Remember, Abe Lincoln lost far more elections than he won. Just by running, you've made a statement. Please stay active in Ogden's future- we need you.

Here's to the Losers! Bless them ALL!


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