I often marvel at what motivates people. First off, I think we should qualify the term "motivate". The degree to which people are motivated is as varied as people themselves. Some people are motivated into writing (ala blogs, etc.). Others are motivated into going out and rallying support for their cause. Still others are motivated into physically doing- actually serving and working (many call it "grunt" work).
People's passions are fascinating. We get upset over things that others may consider trivial or mundane. For me, I have difficulty understanding the extreme passion some have for such national issues as immigration, or "Scooter Libby". Don't get me wrong, I have an opinion about each of these issues and try my best to be educated and informed about them- I just don't get myself in a lather over them.
In contrast, I have as late become deeply impassioned about local issues. Ogden's future is something about which I have grown deeply concerned. I guess it has to do with my comfort level. Here in Ogden, we live quite a distance from the Mexican border, and those who illegally make their way to Utah cause me some concern, but I am don't feel immediately threatened by their presence (according to some Ultra-Conservatives, I guess I should). As for White House "leaks", again, D.C. is far enough away from my home, I am just not as upset as some feel we should be.
When we begin to talk about the future of Ogden's economy, that's where you get my attention. I think it is safe to say that those on "both sides" of the Malan's Basin/ Gondola issue are impassioned about the same thing- This will affect me far more immediately than some illegal immigrants or White House leaks.
We each think that we have "THE ANSWER". But let us not forget in our passion to proselytize that answer to fellow Ogdenites, 1) they might not understand completely the zeal we individually have for this issue (though they may just have some zeal for something we dont' quite get) and 2) those of your "opposition" feel just as passionate about Ogden as do you- We all want what's best. Let's just hope that's what happens in the long term.