Thursday, October 20, 2005

Narrowing the Paintbrush

As I have read comments on the Ogden blogs, I find it interesting to see how much "lumping together" people do. It seems that if someone is against eminent domain, they are immediately placed in the "Anti-Godfrey" camp. If they are pro-Wal-Mart in Ogden, they are instantly seizing peoples' property. Again, those who might feel that we are putting the cart before the horse with talk of a gondola are deemed against any type of improved transportation in Ogden while those who have a vision of a gondola system are accused of having pie in the sky wishes (as well as being Godfrey's "rubber stamp").
Reading posts on WCForum and The Good in Ogden (as well as the very few posts I receive here), I notice that people are quick to paint others with a broad brush. Names like "facists", "Neocons", "socialists", and "anarchists" are used freely along with "obstructionist" and "lemming." I have been guilty of it myself, though not extremely proud of it. For some reason, we tend to use broad terms when speaking with others. The thing we often forget is that seldom does someone agree with everything that another proposes.
To illustrate my point, I wish to take some moments to write a brief open letter to Mayor Godfrey, highlighting two points where I feel he has (or is currently) making a judgement error(though I was beat to the point in this morning's Standard-Examiner's Letters to the Editor). In doing so, perhaps this may show that, while myself (and others) may agree with the mayor on many points, few, if any, are actually agreeing 100% with him:

Dear Mayor Godfrey,
I want you to know that, while I agree with you on many of your issues, I do have two items of concern that I wish to address.
The first of these issues is in regards to Stuart Reid's severance pay. I have followed your comments on this issue and recognize that, indeed you may have been well within your legal rights and obligations to provide Mr. Reid with his exorbitant pay. That, however does not make it right. What makes this issue an even greater travesty was the way that your office has handled this situation. Granted, what is done, is done. But an apology and acknowledgement that this was perhaps not the wisest course of action would have been much appreciated by your constituents. Admitting a mistake or poor judgement is far greater reaching to win the hearts of Ogdenites, than sweeping the situation under the rug by an explanation to justify the actions.
I fear that the second issue may be of greater consequence. This is in regards to the Episcopal Church's request to purchase additional property on the mall site. Denying this request is poor public relations. Many, unfortunately, look at the possibilty of this denial as being partisan towards one church over the other. I have heard many comment that this shows favortism to the LDS church. While this may not be the case, granting the church the opportunity to purchase more property is an olive branch to those who are getting a poor taste in their mouths. It helps to beautify the property along 24th Street and I feel will enhance and improve the character of the mall site as well as one of the gateways into Ogden.
Thanks for all you are doing for our wonderful city,
Ogden's Optimist


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems that if someone is against eminent domain, they are immediately placed in the "Anti-Godfrey" camp.

Well, duh.

Godfrey's a neocon who believes in big borrowing,spending and corporate welfare. He doesn't give a s**t about the actual people who live in Ogden.

Do you have a problem analyzing politians by what they "do," as opposed to what they "say?"

Are you OK with that, Mr. Neocon Lemming?

Sheesh! What a dunce!

Cool, huh?

Somebody posted to your crappy bnlog!

Consider that some kind of victory.

And you teach innocent schoolchildren, right?

There oughta be a law against neocon commies like you teaching innocent children how to think the commie way.

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good, I like WC Forum moderators or his posse posting things under different names. It seems likely that you all hate anon posters, but can't actually own up to your own words. Instead you like to use some tricky name so nobody knows who you are. We can all do that. I would rather a blog have no posts than have a couple of posts from the same people claiming to be educated and all-knowings who do nothing but complain and second guess. This is a good article and is true. It is good that this rebuttal comes from people who claim to like the mayor. Nothing but a bunch of back stabbin', two faced, too educated for their own good, think they are soooo wise and know soooo much freakin' more than everybody else-fools. Education is a good thing until it makes you think you are just plain smarter than people. Now go and have your little public smart man show analytical know nothin' comments. There, we have all fallen into exactly what this article talks about.

6:40 PM  
Blogger Lancer said...

"And you teach innocent schoolchildren, right?"
Well, goes to show Mr. B.S. that you just pretend to know what you are talking about. The only post I had that referred to school teaching explicitly said I USED to teach school. I still work with youth, but not in the school setting.
Little difference, you wouldn't understand what it's like to POSITIVELY affect lives anyway.

10:51 PM  

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